When the neighborhood's beloved dogs are stolen by a comic book-inspired villain with an evil plan, it is up to eight brave and www.molikan.com adventurous kids to set out on a mission to rescue their furry friends.
一个邪恶的生育实验创造了一代扭曲的孩子。 一个无情的女人在破坏这些突变的婴儿之前已经做好了这件事,摧毁了这个世界! 一个母亲和她唯一的朋友在爱之间被撕毁了这个变形的人的排斥,并准备为了生存而战,但这个宝宝不需要爱。 它被编程为不惜一切代价生存。
Benjamin Bernard has lived his life in the shadow of his brother. Torn between jealousy and loyalty, Benjamin takes out his aggression as a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. After an event nearly shatters the life of his brother, Benjamin must face his overwhelming feelings of anger and resentment as he discovers the truth about his family. As one brother fights for his life, t...
A Night of Horror: Nightmare Radio is a new horror anthology produced by New Zealand´s company Black Mandala Films. Rod leads a radio show dedicated to horror. Until suddenly the announcer begins to receive strange calls from a child who desperately asks for help. At first thinks that it is a bad joke until he discovers that this is not the case. These calls hide a dark secret…
母亲即将出狱的消息让莱姆(马丁·康普斯顿 Martin Compston 饰)的心中充满了喜悦,因为他明白,母亲是无辜的,她惨遭牢狱之灾只是为了替她那混蛋男友斯坦(Gary McCormack 饰)顶罪。在母亲出狱之前,莱姆还有好多事情要忙,他希望母亲能真正的获得自由,这意味着她必须远离一切可能将她拉下水的人,其中包括斯坦和莱姆的祖父。 在莱姆的计划中,他将带着母亲前往农村开始新的生活,但这已计划若想成功,钱是不可缺少的重大前提。就这样,莱姆和小伙伴们开始变着法子赚钱,甚至涉及到了一些非法交易,在不知不觉间,一心向钱的莱姆突然发现,自己已经陷入了麻烦之中无法自拔。©豆瓣